Conferences and Seminars 2024-25
IQAC in collaboration with ICSSR & Dattopant Thengadi Foundation organize National Conference "Imperatives of Integration of Bharatiya Knowledge System and Social Security"
दो दिवसीय अंतरराष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी (हाइब्रिड मोड) :भारतीय दर्शन और भक्तिकाव्यन और भक्तिकाव्य
GSC in collaboration with Department of Political Science & IQAC organize National Seminar on GANDHIAN IDEAS AND VIKSIT BHARAT @2047
Conferences and Seminars 2023-24
International Conference on "Ambedkar's Perspective on Dynamics of Indian Economy : A Way towards Viksit Bharat @2047"
Internatiopnal Conference on Current Trends in Chemical Sciences for Sustainable Living
International Conference on Advances in Pure & Applied Mathematics(ICAPAM) by Department of Mathematics & IQAC
Department of Political Science & IQAC organize Amrit Kaal Vimarsh on Internal Security Strong & Alert India on 07.11.2023
Conferences and Seminars 2022-23
- Workshop on Business Model Canvas(BMC) by IIC with IQAC and e-cell,28.05.2022
- JOURNEY FROM ORDINARY TO EXTRAORDINARY" by Centre for Skill Development (CSD),29.04.2022
- Seminar on “Ukrainian War: Implication for India and World by Department of Political Science, 22.4.2022
- Seminar on Graphic Novel by Department of English,22.04.2022
- National Workshop on Interactive Mentoring Session by Centre for Industry Interaction (CII), 20.04.2022
- National Webinar on “Challenges in the field of Education & Dr. Ambedkar” by ASC and IQAC, 13.04.2022
- National Paper Presentation Competition by Centre for Skill Development (CSD) and IQAC, 08.04.2022
- National Workshop on " NEP & Accreditation of HEI's: The Way Ahead",31.03.2022
- National webinar on “A Glimpse of Activities of ISRO” by Anantsparshi (SLC Mathematical Society) and IQAC,11.03.2022
- Workshop on ‘Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour Development’ by IIC and IQAC, 28.02.2022
- National Webinar on 'Water Quality Assessment of Indian Rivers' by DBT 24.02.2022
- Workshop on "SAY BYE TO STRESS" by WDC,23.02.2022
- National Webinar on "Bridging the Gap between Academics and Industries" by CCSD and IQAC,01.02.2022
- Webinar on समकालीन परिपेक्ष्य में गाँधी का परीक्षण by Department of Political Science Republica & IQAC, 30.01.20222
- A Webinar on "A REVIEW OF MAHATMA GANDHI IN CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE" by Department of political Science, Gandhi study Circle in collaboration with IQAC, 30.01.2022
- Pitching event for PoCs developed & linkage with Innovation Ambassadors for mentorship support by IQAC and RIT, on 29.01.2022
Conferences and Seminars 2021
IQAC & UBA organize National Student Seminar on 16.02.2021
Conferences and Seminars 2020
First International LIS Summit by IQAC, CSD & E-Cell, Sep 3-4, 2020.
- IQAC, International Conference, Proactive Governance & Policy Implementations in the Times of COVID-19, June 05,2020
- Hangout with Successful Startup Founder and Learn Design thinking Approach for Hardware Innovation, 04.05.2020
- Women Development Cell (WDC) & IQAC, International Conference 2020, Through a(new) Looking Glass: Challenges for Women in 21st Century, January 9-10, 2020
- Frugal Innovations and Social Entrepreneurship
Conferences and Seminars 2019
- IQAC, International Seminar, Effective Mentoring for Academic Excellence, October 30, 2019
- InWin@ SLC & PITCH-A-THON, Event Report, 18.10.2019
- Innovation day, 15.10.2019
- Gandhi Study Circle (GSC),Gandhi and Enviornment:Visualizing a SustainableFuture,October 01-02,2019
- Two Days Symposium on "Nature Drive: Revive- Rejuvenate rivers
- IQAC, Quality Advancement in Teaching & Learning towards Academic Excellence, August 02-03, 2019
- Department of Commerce & IQAC, Make in India: Towards Growth & Progress, April 24-25, 2019
- National Innovation and Start-up Policy for Students and Faculty 2019
Conferences and Seminars 2018
- National Seminar on "Revisiting Gandhi Through Modernity: Towards a Sustainable Future, September 27-28, 2018"
- Department of English,A Cultural Perspective:Journey of Narrativesand Narrativization of Journeys,April 20,2018
- Department of History,The Holy City ofBanaras:Through the Ages,March 12-13,2018
- International Conference on Developing Countries and Sustainable Development: Reconnecting Past with Present, March 5-6, 2018
- IQAC,International Winter School,FosteringCollaborative Innovations and Solutions for Sustainable Development,March 03-07,2018
- Report
- Poster
Conferences and Seminars 2017
- Centre for Holistic Development (CHD), Ethics and Values: Reconnecting Past with Present, November 09, 2017
- Department of Political Science,International Conference,India's Ascendancy in Emerging World Transitional Dynamics:New Upsurges,Strategic Challenges and Opportunities,October 26-27,2017
- Department of Commerce,Transitional Turmoil:End Shape ofthe Global Order in 21st Century",February 16,2017
Conferences and Seminars 2016
- Women Development Cell (WDC), Gender and Popular Culture: Representations and Embodiment, December 14-15, 2016
- Department of Chemistry, Environment & Harmonious Development, April 7-8, 2016
- Department of Economics,Trade Negotiations under W.T.O:Issue before Developing World,April 4-5,2016.
- Department of Commerce,International Conference,SustainableBusiness Models:Innovative Strategies and Practices,March 16-17,2016
- Department of History, Caste and Gender : Historical Perspectives, February 19-20,2016