SLC, in its efforts to sensitize the students and the faculty towards gender equality and harmony, formed the Women Development Cell (WDC) in the academic year 2015-16. The important events organized and initiatives taken by this Centre has opened the minds of the students to newer ways of thinking. WDC has taken up cross-cutting issues related to professional challenges and social anomalies etc.
The cell is a forum for debate, interaction and meditation on a range of issues concerning gender, sexuality, inequality, discrimination, empowerment, crime against women. The WDC aims to create awareness around gender issues, injustices against women and facilitate an atmosphere free of gender discrimination and prejudices on the campus. It not only provides platform for deliberation and dialogue but also initiates the process of correcting gender prejudices prevalent in contemporary times.
To accomplish these goals, the cell holds year-round activities such as seminars, symposiums, film screenings, workshops on gender sensitization, street plays, self-defense camps, public reading sessions to engage students in discussions on matters concerning gendering of people and spaces, denial or limited access to education, sexual and reproductive wellbeing and rights, oppressive practices and customs, sexual exploitation in public and private sphere, safety in public conveyance and suppression of women's voices in civic and private realm.
WDC, in collaboration with Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), has been conducting workshops, counseling sessions, film screenings, and nukkad naatak for both students and staff members. WDC and ICC also organise workshops separately for students, teaching faculty and the office staff on "Gender Sensitization" by various eminent personalities specializing in this area. Both WDC and ICC teacher members regularly attend workshops and training programmes organized by the WSDS, University of Delhi and other such agencies. WDC started gender counseling on bimonthly basis from 2016-17 session so as to provide a forum to students (both girls and boys) where they can unhesitatingly articulate and clear their gender and other behavioral related queries.
WDC Activities 2022-23
S.No. | Name | Link |
1 | Faculty Members and Students Team | view |
2 | GENDER COUNSELLING REPORT On “Women and Education” 14.10.2023 | view |
3 | Counselling session On “Identifying & reducing gender bias & Pay gaps in industries across India” 5.8.2023 | view |
4 | Counselling session On “The Psychology of stress: Ways and means to manage it” 7.4.2023 | view |
5 | GENDER COUNSELLING REPORT On “Career and Work-life balance”. 20.1.23 | view |
WDC Activities 2021-22
S.No. | Name | Link |
1 | Faculty Members and Students Team | view |
2 | Celebration of International Women’s Day, 8th March, 2022 | view |
3 | Workshop “Say Bye to Stress” | view |
4 | "Gender Counselling Report on “The second gender-Considerations and deliberations” | view |
5 | "COUNSELLING SESSION REPORT On “Looking after our mental health during Covid-19” | view |
6 | Menstrual Hygiene Awareness Campaign-WDC with NSS and SAP | view |
7 | Personal Health and Hygiene of Women- WDC with NSS and SAP | view |
8 | Diet and Nutrition for Pregnant Women-WDC with NSS and SAP | view |
WDC Activities 2020-21
S.No. | Name | Link |
1 | Faculty Members and Students Team | view |
2 | "Counselling Session Report on “Busting stress: The Real Challenge of Covid-19”" | view |
3 | National Webinar & Debate Competition | view |
4 | "National Webinar on Challenges for Women during Covid 19 Pandemic" | view |
5 | National Webinar on Mental Health and Well-being in Present Times | view |
6 | "Counselling Session Report On“ Making your mental and physical health in Covid-19”" | view |
7 | Counselling Session Report on “The Career Path Ahead” | view |
8 | Counselling Session Report on “Covid-19-New situations and Challenges” | view |
WDC Activities 2019-20
S.No. | Name | Link |
1 | Career Counselling Report On ‘Career Progression: The Technological Path Ahead | view |
2 | Gender Counselling Report on ‘Gender Inequality Concerns’ | view |
3 | Counselling session report on ‘mental and emotional well being during covid-19’ | view |
4 | Career counselling session on‘what after graduation?’ | view |
5 | Faculty Members and Students Team | view |
6 | International Conference | view |
7 | National Webinar on Credibility Crisis in Media amidst Covid-19 | view |
WDC Activities 2017-18
S.No. | Name | Link |
1 | Career counselling report on ‘career counselling: the swot analysis’ | view |
2 | Counselling report on ‘Types of sexual harassment' | view |
3 | Seminar on Understanding Issues in Gender Disparity | view |
4 | Career Counselling Report On ‘Career Counselling the way ahead: Clearing the air!’ | view |
5 | National Seminar on Indian Women Past, Present and Future | view |
6 | Counselling Report on ‘BEATING THE STRESS’ | view |
WDC Activities 2016-17
S.No. | Name | Link |
1 | Counselling Session on ‘Sexual Harassment: Problems And Solutions | view |
2 | Talk Session with Ms. Madhureeta Anand | view |
3 | Career Counselling Session Report on ‘Entrepreneurship: The right path ahead?’ | view |
4 | Career Counselling Session Report on‘Following your dreams’ | view |
5 | Documentary film, Its a Girl | view |
6 | National Conference | view |