About Library
ShyamLal College library strives to create a lively and Healthy environment for students, faculty, and staff members. The knowledge resource centre is also located in the library. Its collection cater to both the students academic and recreational requirements.The library has an institutional membership with UGC' N-LIST program. E-Journals and other e-resources subscribed by the Delhi University Library System are accessed in the Library through Delhi-University-Wide-Network and other e-resources accessed remotely through UGC' N-LiST program.User-friendly fully computerized On-line Library Catalougue(OPAC) is available for access to students and faculties in the College Library.
- Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS).
- The college Library has a rich collection of over 47328 books covering the gamut of different disciplines. E- Resources facility is also available through DULS and NList which are accessed by students and faculty members for world's best Databases, e-Journals, e-Books etc.
- The Library is fully automated and has Web OPAC that can be accessed by the stakeholders of the college from anywhere through the college website.
- The Library also has DELNET facility that helps students locate books and E-resources across different libraries of the countries.
- The Library of the college also houses the Knowledge Resource Centrethat provides students and teachers access e-resources, world's best databases, e-journals, e-books, and reports. It is has a seating capacity of 50 people. Each cubicle has its own computer system. Student practical classes are also conducted here.
- The Reading Room of the library fully caters to the needs of the students and has seating capacity of 75.
- The Library organizes Book Exhibition every semester and invites national and international publishers for showcasing the books in relevant subject areas. Faculty members and students shortlist and recommend books for the library during these exhibitions.
- The Library annually conducts Library Orientation Programme for newly admitted students to optimize the use of the Library.