Centre for Holistic Development (CHD), SLC in collaboration with IQAC has successfully organised its first National level Online Yoga Competition on 18th May 2020.
The Competition received participation across the nation. The National Online Yoga Competition started with an inaugural ceremony lecture by Swami Shyama Chaitanyaji,
where he enlightened the audience with his wise words. Dr. Ruchika Ramakrishnan welcomed & thanked Swami Shyama Chaitanyaji for giving such a nice and knowledgeable
information on Yogas & Vedas. To conduct the competition smoothly, separate groups were created for males and females and thus for the first round 4 teams of females
and 3 teams of boys were created.
Every qualified participant had to perform two basic asanas given by respected judges and one optional advance asana which
he/she can choose by his/her own. Round 1 started at 9 AM which got over around 9.40 AM and three best performers were chosen from each group for Round 2. Round 2
started from 9.50 AM and 6 best performers got selected for the Final round. Final round started at 10.30 am and got over by 11.10 AM which was followed by a
validatory session where our one of the respected judges Mr. Lalit Madaan announced the names of Final Winners. He also said that all the participants performed
good and deserve a big round of applause
Our Principal sir, Prof. Rabi Narayan Kar also quoted a big statement that this event is going to be the first
ever organised national level online yoga competition in the history of Delhi University. He appreciated the efforts of organisers for organising such a great
national level yoga competition. Dr. Seema Dabas (Convenor CHD) promised to organise such great events in future also for the holistic development of students
& others. Dr. Kusha Tiwari (Coordinator IQAC) thanked our principal sir for putting forward such a great idea and said that she always feels glad to be part of
such great initiatives taken by SLC. Sh. V.S Jaggi (Convenor - Judges Committee) sincerely thanked our panel of judges who really did a great job for finding the
best amongst the many, and like always Team CHD, behind the screen, also made huge efforts for making this national event a huge success.

On 13th May 2020, A Webinar on the topic 'Introduction of Psychic Energy centres (Chakras) & its meditation practice' was organised through 'Google meet'
application at 5 P.M. where our Key note speaker Mr. Lalit Madaan enlightened audience with his knowledge. He said that the conscious awareness and the balancing
of these energy centres is believed to lead to well-being and good health. The seven chakras are the main energy centres of the body.
Chakra healing is an excellent way to balance your chakras and find balance within your body and mind. Improved overall health and well-being.
Greater and faster ability to heal your mental, physical, spiritual and emotional issues. Increased openness, memory, concentration and awareness.
He suggested all to practice yoga and meditation regularly.
Dr. Ruchika Ramakrishnan thanked Mr. Lalit Madaan for giving such a great and knowledgeable information on Psychic Energy Centres (Chakras).
The Core motive of organising such sessions is to raise awareness on the benefits of yoga. The participants found the session interactive and very informative.
Over 200 registrations have been received for this Webinar. The session was successful and our Principal Sir, Prof. Rabi Narayan Kar honoured the session by his


On 21st June 2020 on the occasion of International Yoga Day, Centre for Holistic Development (CHD), National Service Scheme (NSS), Dept. of Physical Education and IQAC of Shyam Lal College, University of Delhi had organized an Online Bilingual Speech Competition on the topic-
The objective of the competition was to inculcate the spirit of Holistic Development from the perspective of yoga. The competition was a great success as we received participation from all around the country. The competition would not have been possible without the formidable efforts of Prof. Rabi Narayan Kar (Principal) and vehement guidance of Dr. Seema Dabas (Convenor, CHD), Dr. Jasvir Singh (Convenor NSS), Sh. V. S. Jaggi (Teacher-in-charge, Dept. of Physical Education) and Dr. Kusha Tiwari (Convenor IQAC). We felt extremely delighted to have Dr. Vivekananda Nartam (Dept. of Pol Science) and Dr. Prabhat Sharma (Dept. of Hindi) as our esteemed judges. The competition started at 8:00 a.m. on ZOOM App. The winners were felicitated with E- certificates.
A Webinar was also organized on "Yoga and Happiness". The objective of the webinar was to raise awareness on the benefits of yoga, to have good health and strong mental hygiene, to possess self-discipline, emotional stability, awareness and consciousness. Also, to integrate moral values and to learn to handle oneself well in all life situations. The participants found the session interactive and very informative. We feel highly grateful to have Prof. A.K. Singh, Vice Chancellor, Sri Sri University as our Key Note Speaker for the session. The webinar started at 10:30 a.m. on ZOOM App and was concluded by 12:30 p.m. The session was successful and our respected Principal Sir, Prof. Rabi Narayan Kar honoured the session by his presence. A great thanks to team CHD for organising such a unique thought competition which enabled all of us to celebrate International Yoga Day even while being at our respective residences.

