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shyam lal college

logo Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS)

Turku University of Applied Sciences is an inspiring community of 10,000 members – an innovative and multidisciplinary higher education institution, which creates international competitiveness and well-being for Southwest Finland. Our graduates are practice-oriented professionals with top competencies.

Studies at TUAS are working life oriented, combining theoretical studies with professional skills. At the core of our teaching is Innovation Pedagogy, a new approach to learning developed at TUAS. Innovation Pedagogy emphasizes the viewpoints of RDI and working life, making our graduates independently minded professionals with excellent international and communication skills. In the field of applied research, Turku University of Applied Sciences represents the top tier in the country. TUAS coordinates or acts as a partner in over 200 RDI projects yearly.


logo South Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK)

XAMK is a higher education institution that focuses on sustainable well-being and technology. The university is an innovative higher education institution driven by the idea of unlimited lifelong learning and study. It promotes well-being and sustainable development through global networking and by creating new digital solutions. The strategic objective is to be among the top five universities of applied sciences in Finland as regards student satisfaction, the organization of studies and graduates' employment rate. One of the goals is to be the largest Finnish university of applied sciences in terms of RDI activities and education provided through the Open University of Applied Sciences. XAMK aims to be a strong and responsible partner that fully exploits its geographical location.
Vision 2020

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences is a pioneer in digital learning, entrepreneurship and Russian co-operation.


University of Turku (Pori Unit)

Turku School of Economics is a tight-knit international community of almost 3,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, 200 researchers and lecturers, and hundreds of exchange students and students complementing their education. Turku School of Economics was founded in 1950 by the initiative of the local business life and this close cooperation with the business world goes on today. The school's strong research efforts and research-based teaching are both close to business practices.

The research and degree level education are organized by the Departments of Management and Entrepreneurship, Accounting and Finance, Marketing and International Business, Economics, and within the subjects of each department, as well as TSE's Pori Unit. The Finland Futures Research Centre is a multidisciplinary academic research, training, and development organization, TSE exe runs executive MBA and customized training programmes for private and public organizations and the Centre for Collaborative Research (CCR) is developing our research by acting as a link between researchers, industry and society.

The School is located in the campus area of the University of Turku. It also has a unit in the city of Pori. The Pori Unit of the Turku School of Economics (TSE) offers high-quality education and research in the field of economic sciences at the University Consortium of Pori (UCPori).

UCPori is a centre of four universities operating as a networked multi-science environment. Co-operation with the units of Tampere University of Technology, University of Tampere, Aalto University and the other units of University of Turku enables TSE to offer a great variety of multidisciplinary studies.
The Pori Unit of TSE offers Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Business Administration. The major subjects are Accounting and Finance, Marketing, and Management and Organization.
