shyam lal college

Women Development Cell

SLC, in its efforts to sensitize the students and the faculty towards gender equality and harmony, has formed the Women Development Cell (WDC) in the academic year 2015-16. The important events organized and initiatives taken by this Centre has evidently opened the minds of the students to newer ways of thinking. WDC has taken up cross-cutting issues related to professional challenges and social anomalies etc..

Recently as per the guidelines of the University of Delhi, SLC has formed the Women Development Cell (WDC) in the academic year 2015-2016. WDC, in collaboration with Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), has conducted workshops, counseling sessions, film screenings, and nukkad naatak for both students and staff members. WDC and ICC also organized workshops separately for students, teaching faculty and the office staff on "Gender Sensitization" by Ms. Kamla Bhasin, the eminent social and gender activist. Both WDC and ICC teacher members regularly attend workshops and training programmes organized by the WSDS, University of Delhi and other such agencies. WDC has started gender counseling on bimonthly basis from 2016-17 session so as to provide a forum to students (both girls and boys) where they can unhesitatingly articulate and clear their gender and other behavioral related queries. WDC organized UGC-ICSSR sponsored National Conference on "Gender and Popular Culture: Representations and Embodiment" on 14-15 Dec, 2016. The Conference aimed at addressing the existing gender bias in the society as represented in the media and the cross-cultural context.

Conference Report:
WDC National Conference Report